A server failure can kill a small business. Big companies spend hundreds of thousands of dollars planning for business continuity; small businesses often have more to lose. Having an effective data recovery plan is critical to protecting your company. That's why iNET-PC in Waukesha recommends going above and beyond when adding data backups to your business server.
iNET's server backup solution uses two redundant approaches. Our hard drive data backups are rugged pieces of hardware directly connected to your server. They update continuously and have almost unlimited storage. If your server fails, your data up to until the instant before the problem occurred will be safely stored on the external hard drive.
If a freak accident or serious disaster causes both your server and your backup hard drive to fail simultaneously, iNET will also back up your data to the cloud. We load cloud data backup software onto your server that regularly saves your information to a global server network. From there, it can be freely and quickly reloaded onto a new server.
iNET's combination of cloud and physical backups for your business data is the most comprehensive approach in Southeastern Wisconsin. We protect a nearly unlimited amount of data for your small business from technical failure, natural disasters, and mundane coffee spills alike.